Monday, November 13, 2006


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that develops after a traumatic event that has caused physical danger. PTSD has also been called shell shock or battle fatigue.

Emotional Well Being
After a loss, it is normal to go through a natural grieving process. Sometimes, however, after a tragedy, feelings of loss surface several weeks or months after the tragedy occurred. This is called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Recognizing these symptoms in yourself or others is the first step toward recovery and finding appropriate treatment.

The exact cause of PTSD is unknown. PTSD is triggered by exposure to a traumatic event. Situations in which a person feels intense fear, helplessness or horror are considered traumatic. PTSD has been reported in people who experienced:
* War
* Rape
* Physical assault
* Earthquakes
* Fire
* Sexual abuse
* Motor vehicle accidents

People with PTSD experience Emotional Symptoms of anxiety.
o Flashbacks
o Dreams/nightmares
o Anxious reactions to reminders of the event
o Hallucinations
o Difficulty falling or staying asleep
o Anger and irritability
o Difficulty concentrating
o Being easily startled

Physical Symptoms may also occur.
* Stomach and digestive problems
* Chest pain
* Headaches
* Dizziness

There is no definitive treatment and no cure for PTSD. A variety of therapies can help relieve symptoms. Treatment for PTSD starts after you are completely removed from the traumatic event. You will first receive treatment for any problems with severe depression, suicidal tendencies, drugs or alcohol abuse.

This involves changing your thinking patterns.

Allow me to introduce you to Intra Persona Therapy, which I have developed and which has been proven to be successful. I believe that if I can help people to accept and love themselves just a little bit more, then they will be able to discover the resources within themselves -- their internal physicians.

Intra Persona Therapy: The Whole Person Approach

Through Intra Persona Therapy, you will come to understand the five kinds of wellness that make up the Whole Person Approach. Through this understanding, you will learn to take control of your inner self, and destroy the barriers that causes emotional pain, physical pain and inhibit your personal growth. With this discovery you can continue to grow independently, in health and well-being, for all your days.

Intra Persona Therapy is simply your personal application of a variety of proven and accepted approaches, "prescriptions," and remedies to the experiences, situations, relationships, and personality characteristics that may be preventing you from attaining ultimate personal fulfillment. My experience in my own life as well as in my helping profession has shown me that just about any person is capable of reaching his or her highest level of achievement. I strongly believe that if you really want to achieve a superior state of living each and every day, a high level of mental and physical health is available fo everyone who wishes to go after it.

You can go after what you want for yourself by deciding to work, one day at a time, on adopting a philosophy of life that is going to bring you the greatest amount of happiness, regardless of the circumstances that you have encountered until today. Often without realizing it, many people have successfully applied particular elements of Intra Persona Therapy (the whole person approach, one that does not view individuals as a collection of parts) to achieve new levels of awareness, serenity, peace of mind, and continuing happiness.

Wellness is the unity of the mind, body, and spirit. In order to achieve greater mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health, one must begin with a personal commitment to wellness, a commitment that is possible regardless of circumstances, resources, and/or personal history. We can achieve this state of being at any point in our lives by making choices which enhance our individual functioning and development. Thus, through these conscious, deliberate, voluntary, and positive lifestyle choices, we can discover greater overall health.

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Copyright © 1988 Dr.Oscar Bekoff, Ph.D., Behavioral Medicine

1 comment:

Steve said...

It's interesting that your About Me section is really just a list of your awards and academic qualifications. Surely there must be more to YOU, Doctor, than this?