Monday, January 23, 2006

Humanity Towards Self

Many people, despite their compassion for underprivileged people, and regardless of their ability to understand the problems of their neighbors, fail to exercise the same compassion and understanding towards themselves. These same people may even feel for the frailties and blunders of people they have never met. Yet, confronted with their own human failings, they are inhumane toward themselves. There is no other word for it but inhumane.

When you stammer during a business conversation, do you forgive yourself?

When you burn the toast or make ten-minute eggs instead of soft-boiled eggs, do you forgive yourself?

When you misplace or lose a ten-dollar bill, do you forgive yourself?

When you forget an appointment, do you forgive yourself?

When your day goes wrong and you lose your temper and shout and scream, do you forgive yourself?

You must learn to be humane toward yourself, to forgive yourself for your shortcomings, or your success mechanism will not function and you will attain no goals that will be really satisfying.

Success and self-debasement cannot live together. They are enemies, not partners.

When you rub the sleep out of your eyes and sit up in bed, tell yourself, "Today I will act with humanity toward self."

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